RGCB has invited GeM Tenders for Stationery Items.

Bid No.: GEM/2025/B/5903849 dtd 03-02-2025 , Bid end date 06-02-2025 18:00:00

RGCB has invited GeM Tenders for AMC/CMC of Fire Detection.

Bid No. : GEM/2025/B/ /5885158 dtd 29-01-2025 , Bid end date 08-02-2025 18:00:00

RGCB has invited GeM Tenders for the Tissue Culture Facility for Rice.

Bid No. : GEM/2025/B/5856435 dtd 23.01.2025 , Bid end date 13-02-2025 11:00:00

RGCB has invited GeM Tenders for Digital Anesthesia System

Bid No. GEM/2025/B/5841075 dtd 20.01.2025 , Bid end date 10-02-2025 13:00:00

RGCB has invited GeM Tenders for Rodent Automatic Ventilator

Bid No. GEM/2025/B/5832342 dtd 20.01.2025 , Bid end date 10-02-2025 13:00:00

All future tenders will be available in the above e-Tendering Portal, therefore, all interested Bidders and Suppliers are requested to enrol on the portal https://rgcb.euniwizarde.com


Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB),
Thycaud Post, Poojappura,
Thiruvananthapuram - 695 014, Kerala, India
+91-471-2529400 | 2347975 | 2348753
info@rgcb.res.in webmaster@rgcb.res.in

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Last Updated on: February 10, 2025
CERT-In Certified Website